Beaupre Coaching Weight Loss & Life Coaching

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How to stick to your plan in abnormal times.

Finding our way. Photo Heidi Sandstrom from Unsplash.

I offer lots of tips and strategies for how to stick to your weight loss plan during normal times; even during special events and when traveling. 

Today I want you to care about sticking to your plan in abnormal times. 

For support, I went to two of my favorite human beings, Viktor Frankl and Pema Chödrön.

Why should we care about getting healthy when the world seems to be falling apart?

Where do you reach for that resolve to love yourself, when it appears love is leaking from the world?

Hurricanes ravage; loved ones are in peril.

Guns in the hand of this one man kill and maim the innocent.

Grief strikes, we want to feel sorrow.

Allowing sorrow is not the same as using our old habits to suffer more.

We may have survivor guilt. 

We may be completely grateful it wasn’t us or our families.

We may fear we will be next.

Abnormal times can build resilience.  That is the choice I am making.

If we use trying times to self-destruct, how can we make the incremental changes that are demanded by these trying times?

Allow yourself to grieve. 

Allow yourself to act. 

If we each act, it will make a difference.

Ask yourself, what can I do today to create a more loving world?

Value life, include yourself. 

Then you are strengthened and energized to take action.

I am here if you want to talk about how to stick to your plan during abnormal times.

Resources for self care and action: